Abteilung Informatik, Kommunikation und Elektrotechnik


Partner companies

Branchfield overview / List of studens / Overview

red ABB Corporate Research Ltd
CH-5405 Baden-Dättwil
Visualisation of XML data on a PalmPilot DA Mth 01/1
red Ad-hoc-Gruppe einiger Hoteliers
im Grossraum Zürich
Room- Reservation-Clearing System for Hotels DA Mpi 01/2
red Aikos Engineering, CH-6312 Steinhausen Low-Cost-3D-Laserscanner (3D-LS) DA Bro 01/4
red Amt für Informatik des Kanton Thurgaus
CH-8501 Frauenfeld
Project Management and Controlling: Evaluation DA Bgm 01/1
red Cantaluppi & Hug - SW & Consulting, ZürichMobile Traffic-Management and Disposition System for Trucks DA Bri 01/2
red COMIT GRUPPE, CH-8004 Zürich J2EE Architectural Prototype DA Rea 01/3
red CSPB Credit Suisse Private Banking Guidelines for electronic market places B2B DA Snu 01/1
red DaimlerChrysler AG, StuttgartBooster for Turbo-Charger DA Bhi 01/1
red Elag Elektronik AG, CH-8409 Winterthur CAN / CANopen interface for laser distance sensors DA Zem 01/4
red Elektrobit AG, CH-8608 Bubikon Oscillator for 5.8 GHz DA Gys 01/4
red EPF LausanneFace detection DA Bhi 01/3
red FELA Management AG, CH-8253 Diessenhofen Communication Center for GSM based Datacollection modules DA Zem 01/1
red FutureLAB AG, CH-8400 Winterthur Secure Cellular IP Implementation based on Linux Netfilter DA Sna 01/2
red getunik AG, CH-8032 Zürich Webbased integration of direct marketing models DA Mpi 01/7
red GigaTera, CH-8953 Dietikon Phase Locked Loop Circuit for 10 GHz Pulse-Generating Laser DA Gys 01/5
red IBM (Schweiz), CH-8400 Winterthur Archiving/Retrieval of logdata in a network environment DA Mpi 01/8
red IBM (Schweiz), CH-8400 Winterthur Intrusion-Detection DA Mpi 01/9
red Institut für Mechatronische Systeme, ZHW CAN/CANopen Multi-I/O Node DA Bro 01/6
red Institut für Mechatronische Systeme, ZHW Data Visualization of Realtime-Processes DA Frp 01/3
red Institut für Mechatronische Systeme, ZHW CAN/CANopen-Servocontroller-Modul DA Bro 01/7
red KMU Betrieb in der Pharma-Industrie im Kt. AG IT Strategy and Planning for a Small Business Enterprise DA Bri 01/1
red Logical Solutions AG, KlotenAutomatic HW & SW Inventory Management System for SME DA Bri 01/3
red Microsoft Switzerland
SIG Pack Systems AG, CH-8222 Beringen
Increasing the QoS in Supply Chain Management with BizTalk DA Rea 01/1
red Netcetera AG, CH-8040 Zürich Usability of Java for PalmOs Development DA Rea 01/4
red Netcetera AG, CH-8040 Zürich SMS Server DA Mth 01/2
red Netcetera AG, CH-8040 Zürich Telephony Server based on VoiceXML DA Wei 01/5

Neuweiler, Kreuzlingen
Tuchschmid, Frauenfeld

Two-crane system: control of the self generated pendulum DA Wil 01/2
red NM Numerical Modelling GmbH, WinterthurFE-Modeling of integrated MicroReed Structures DA Scz 01/2
red open systems AG, CH-8045 Zürich Central Security Policy for Linux IPSec DA Sna 01/4
red Phoenix Contact AG, CH-8317 Tagelswangen Marketing Strategy for the Swiss market DA Sig 01/10
red Verkehrs- und Industrietechnik AG
CH-8162 Steinmaur
International Marketing-Study DA Sig 01/11
red Parx Engine GmbH, CH-8005 Zürich Marketingstrategy for a small company in webtechnology DA Snu 01/2
red PAYSERV AG, CH-8021 Zürich Certificate Authorities: their Services and Trustworthiness DA Sna 01/3
red Phonak AG, Stäfa/MurtenMP4-AAC-Player DA Ema 01/5
red Phonak AG, Stäfa/Murten
Scopein Research, Aarau
Transmission of mp3-audio over bluetooth DA Ema 01/2
red QualiVision AG, CH-8942 Oberrieden Position detection and identification with image processing DA Ema 01/3
red Rieter AG, CH-8400 Winterthur Control logic for the ASM-robot DA Bhi 01/2
red Sensirion AG, CH-8052 Zürich GSM Remote Sensor DA Sig 01/1
red Sensirion AG, CH-8052 Zürich massflow controller for fluency DA Sig 01/5
red SIG Pack Systems AG, CH-8222 Beringen Control of a packaging machine DA Wil 01/1
red SIG Pack Systems AG, CH-8222 Beringen Delta Robot for Presentation Purposes DA Bro 01/2
red SR TechnicsNew LAN for hangars and offices at SR Technics DA Mpi 01/4

SunGard Trading and Risk Systems,
SunGard AG, CH-8002 Zürich

Distributed Java Component Server DA Sna 01/9
red sunrise, CH-8050 Zürich CRM Within The After-Sales-Area For The Product Internet DA Tro 01/1
red Supercomputing Systems AG,CH-8005 Zürich Implementation of a TCP/IP-Stack on a DSP DA Tha 01/4
red Swisscom AG, CT-ITA, CH-3050 Bern e-Voting by Mobile Phones DA Hut 01/8
red Thermopal Dekorplatten GmbH & Co.
D - 88291 Leutkirch im Allgäu
Feasability Study for a Fork-Lift Guidance System DA Wei 01/6
red Wave Biotech AG, CH-8317 Tagelswangen Process orientated quality management system DA Rae 01/2
red ZHWRoute Distribution Processes and Border Gateway Protocol DA Hak 01/2
red ZHWA professional email service for the ZHW DA Mpi 01/1
red ZHW IT-ServicesUnified login services for mixed Linux and Win2000 Systems DA Bri 01/4
red ZHW,
Kompetenznetzwerk Risiko-Mamagement
Why does e-Business not fly as expected? DA Mpi 01/10
red -ERP/CRM/SCM: Possibilities and Limitations in SME DA Bgm 01/2
red -IT-Infrastructure Analysis of SME in Eastern Switzerland DA Bri 01/7
red -Secure E-Mail solutions for SMEs and very small companies DA Bri 01/8
red -Open Source Webshop DA Fei 01/1
red -Web Content Management System DA Fir 01/1
red -Intelligent Algorithms for Indexing Text Documents DA Fir 01/2
red -Persistence Container DA Fir 01/3
red -Surgery Simulator Using Java3D DA Frp 01/1
red -Computer Concepts, OSs and Usage of the IBM 390 Series DA Gbl 01/3
red -IBM AS/400 - iSeries DA Gbl 01/4
red -UHF-Power Amplifier and T/R-Switch DA Gys 01/2
red -Broadband Scanning-Receiver DA Gys 01/3
red -Multimodal User Interface DA Hut 01/3
red -Embedded Web-Server DA Kls 01/1
red -TCP/IP Protocol-Stack for C167 DA Kls 01/4
red -Connecting Embedded Systems over Powerline Modem DA Kls 01/5
red -Position Collection of Mobile Objects with GPS/GSM DA Kls 01/6
red -Micro Computer System to Monitor Combustion Engines DA Ksh 01/6
red -VHDLmicro - Microprocessor for teaching purposes DA Mli 01/1
red -Internet-enabled mass storage board DA Mli 01/5
red -Internet Information Broker Based on Web Services DA Rea 01/5
red -Linux Network-Login with RSA Smartcard DA Sna 01/1
red -Cressida, a vxWorks driven roboter DA Tha 01/5
red -GSM-based Corporate Network DA Wei 01/8
red -Analysis and Control of an Instable Process DA Wil 01/3
red -Online Gender Games Chat DA Zem 01/2

Branchfield overview / List of studens / Overview