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Diplomarbeit 2005 (DA05): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Rea 05/2 - Swiss Re intranet enterprise-portal with SharePoint
Studierende: Thomas Arni, arnitho
  Martin Dotti, dottimar
  Jonathan Minder, mindejon

Betreuer: Karl Rege, rege

The purpose of this diploma thesis is to conduct a feasibility study with Microsoft SharePoint as an intranet solution for Swiss Re. For this purpose, key functionality of the intranet portal is realized. Generally, a portal integrates and aggregates information from different systems and simplifies and enhances the collaboration between employees. Because the portal has to be integrated into the existing Swiss Re IT infrastructure, four so called Integration Scenarios are sketched.

In the conceptual part the Swiss Re requirements are collected. Based on them, we derive two use cases: - The use case called 'underwriter' collects all available customer information in the 'client information pages'.

  • The use case called 'underwriter' collects all available customer information in the 'client information pages'. - The second use case called 'collaboration on contract formulation' allows collective handling and editing of contracts. SharePoint Portal Server offers a variety of features to improve collaboration: team sites, document management features, direct contact with other user, online collaboration, just to name the most important. These features are leveraged, enhancing the productivity of reinsurance agents. In four scenarios, we compare the integration of IBM Lotus and Microsoft solutions. We show that the integration of Lotus is possible to a certain degree.

The second part of this diploma thesis describes the precise implementation of the use case 'underwriter' according to the requirements of Swiss Re. The 'client information page' consists of various, partly newly developed webparts, which are assigned to a specific task and mostly aggregate data from other systems. In addition to underwriter, other webparts have been developed as well: stock ticker, RSS-news feed, translator service and others.

SharePoint can be extended with webparts fulfilling specific Swiss Re requirements and offers an adequate development support. Except for a few technical limitations, we are able to prove the technical feasibility of SharePoint according to the requirements of Swiss Re.
