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Diplomarbeit 2005 (DA05): Arbeits-Archiv
DA And 05/1 - Develop a net meeting component for audio and video with JMF
Studierende: Stefan Arzethauser, arzetste
  Rolf Walti, waltirol

Betreuer: Luzi Anderegg, anee

Management Summary

The goal of this work was to develop a net meeting component for audio and video by using JMF. To enhance the main focus of our work, we illustrate the initial position, the procedures as well as the objectives we wanted to reach.

A lot of internet portal solutions allow a live meeting with video and audio between teachers and students. In case of obscurities it is an advantage for students if they have the possibility to interact with the teacher and ask questions directly. This main function was extended with the following functions to improve the usability:

  • user list - date list - the possibility to ask questions in advance - information window

At the moment there already exist a few quite expensive solutions in the e-learning market which include functions like live teaching. It was a big challenge for us to generate a solution with an acceptable price using open source or self programmed code. To meet these requirements we started to become acquainted with streaming. As a result of this thesis we were trying to conceive a practical and efficient solution. Furthermore, a prototype was developed to exemplify the formerly explained scenario.
