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Diplomarbeit 2005 (DA05): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Rug 05/3 - The multifarious possibilites for the use of IT in the museologic field
Studierende: Raphael Sporri, sporrrap
  Bruno Staubli, staubbru

Betreuer: Gustav Ruprecht, rupg

This document shows, how a museum can be improved with actions on different fields. Actions based on IT-Systems are in the main focus. The following goals are reached:

  • Provide a structured access to museologic for the reader
  • Gather a recognition grid to visualize museologic work
  • Create a questionnaire, based on the recognition grid, to filter out improvement potential
  • Use the questionnaire with a real museum

Museological operations are focused on the five duties each museum has to carry out. Depending on how each museum carries out its duties, it can be successful or not. The success of each museum is measurable based on the following factors:

  • The contribution that a museum makes with its collection, presentation and activities to the research of its museal topic
  • The entertainment value that a museum performs with its collection, presentation and activities to its visitors
  • The financial success a museum achieves with its collection, presentation and activities

Furthermore, there are five basic museological concepts recognizable (Provider of education, entertainment, alternating presentations, touring exhibitions or a virtual museum). Real museological concepts are based on components of these five basic concepts. Stereotype concepts are very rare to find. The root of this diploma thesis is a questionnaire. Answered by any museum it should show in which sphere the museum can be improved. These improvements must not only be realized with IT systems. The questionnaire consists of the following parts:

  • Substratum (Does the museum have a collection at its disposal and is it adequate to its concept and topic?)
  • Justification (Can the museum justify its topic and location?)
  • Vision (Does the museum have a vision and is it realized?)
  • Museological processes (How are the following issues realized: financing, presentation, collection administration, marketing, administration and architecture?)

The first use of this questionnaire resulted in having 15 projects that can be realized. All of them with different effort and benefits. Finally it can be said, that there is still a big potential when it comes to the use of IT in the museums of Switzerland.
