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Diplomarbeit 2005 (DA05): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Fir 05/2 - Forecast Stock Exchange
Studierende: Micha Rieser, riesemic
  Giancarlo Scrugli, scruggia

Betreuer: Reto Ferri, feit
  Hans-Peter Hutter, huhp

Aim: To design, develop and implement a web based forecast stockexchange application. The idea is for shares to be issued according to the results from elections. Based on the securities trading principal, these shares will be evaluated through direct and continuous trading, which consequentially results in a forecast for outcome of the election. Technological decisions: The forecast stockexchange will consist of a 3-tier architecture with .NET technology. The database shall be supported using MS SQL, the business logic with the programming language C# and the web user interfaces with ASP.NET.

Procedure: The project broken down into 8 iterations (one iteration per week). In the first iteration we determined the complete project procedure and defined the requirements for the whole system. In the following 3 iterations we developed, implemented and tested the business logic. In the next following 3 iterations we developed and implemented the web user interfaces. In the seventh iteration we moved into a live environment, with real traders, which will remain online until 27th November 2005 (http://www.politmarket.net). In the final iteration we completed our documentation and monitored the test environment.

Result: We are extremely satisfied with the outcome of the project. We were able to develop a functional and working application. The following points were implemented:

  • Transactional controlled core - Database concept - ASP.NET user interfaces with their own web controls - Process for generating statical graphs - Test environment with its own server and domain (www.politmarket.com/.net/.ch) - Homepage with own corporate design - Documentation (all software development artefacts and background information)

The following we were partially able to implement and are available as a protected variation:

  • Multilingualism (implemented using ASP.NET web controls) - Own protocol class (for logging) - Trading portfolio robot