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Diplomarbeit 2005 (DA05): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Rer 05/2 - Network security of a financial institution - a potential analysis
Studierende: Daniel Bosch, boschdan
  Yves Sturzenegger, sturzyve

Betreuer: Marc Rennhard, rema

Due to the fact that about 80 percent of all attacks on networks result from within the network itself, the inner security of a network has to be more often the focus of attention.

Initially, the access to the network can be denied to unauthorised people by abased port user authentication. In case of an attack on the network actions from OSI layers 1 to 3 as well as network management measures can be adopted in order to check the attacks or to minimise the potential extent of damages.

The financial instituttion ought to implement the user authentication basing on certificates as mentioned above. It is also recommended to divide the network into logical VLANs. Furthermore, adequate measures on OSI layers two and three as well as in the management of the network should be adopted.
