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Diplomarbeit 2005 (DA05): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Bro 05/2 - Middleware for wireless measurement data logging in distributed systems
Studierende: Andreas Oeri, oeriand

Betreuer: Charles Brom, bmas

The importance of mobile communication is increasing by the day. The progress of the last years in the area of mobile radio has not only produced language transfer but also technologies concerned with the transfer of data, such as GPRS or UMTS. Since the huge success of mobile telephones, wireless communication is used more and more on public mobile networks for the communication between machines. By reducing the costs of these types of transfer, the range of possible applications is constantly growing.

The content of the diploma thesis concentrates on the analysis of the new problems within the field of mobile communication with small devices which have a limited size of resources. Established middleware architectures, which facilitate process development of distributed applications, already exist for usual distributed systems. Not only are the needs of resources of the existing architectures considerable, but in addition their protocols are only suitable to a certain extent for the use on the mobile network. This is because the transfer on those types of wireless connections greatly differs from those on firmly wired connections.

Problems of these new fields of application are for example the small data throughput, the long transfer times, changing IP-addresses as well as the high share in loss of packets. These circumstances demand optimized protocols and new approaches to design for middlewares.

As a result of the analysis, basic structures for network-topologies and middlewares for small mobile devices were designed. The aim was to develop an architecture that was as flexible as possible and that could solve the specific problems of these fields of application. A big problem of the design is the reduction of the need of resources. Often different methods of resolution exist. Whilst selecting, it is therefore important to keep an eye on a balanced relation between profit, cost and performance.
