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Diplomarbeit 2004 (DA04): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Mun 04/2 - Javabased Database-Application for PDAs
Studierende: Claudia Patricia Botero, botercla
  Sabrina von Arx, varxsab

Betreuer: Ewald Mund, mund

This diploma thesis addresses the development of a Java based database application for PDAs as well as the technology required therefor. Specifically, the development should be based where possible on open-source products which are analyzed with regard to their applicability for the to be developed PDA application. Thereby, it is also the goal to reveal the problems of developing a mobile application.

The application is being developed for Molinari Consulting Inc. and allows the engine drivers of the 'Bayerische Oberland Bahn' to collect notices of malfunction for the attention of the 'Bayerische Instandhaltungsgesellschaft fur Schienenfahrzeuge'.

The implementation of the PDA application requires a PDA-compatible development environment as well as a local micro database on the PDA. Furthermore, the data transfer between PDA and MSSQL Server is mandatory.

The analysis reveals that the notices of malfunction should be transmitted wirelessly to the server, provided that a connection can be established. During offline operation should the data be stored on the local database and later be synchronized.

For the implementation Eclipse, Personal Java, the local database Pointbase Micro and Unisync was selected. The retrieval of the data as well as the storage of the notices is processed by JDBC-statements. For the wireless connection between PDA and database server, GPRS is applied.

The solution with the direct data transmission to the SQL server as well as the offline selection and storage on the Pointbase database were both put into practice. For the optional part of the thesis, the synchronization of both databases, the implementation could not be finalized.

In this diploma thesis, we emphasize which technologies should be applied for the development of a PDA application and where problems occur with open-source products. Especially, we would like to demonstrate our personal experience and how we proceeded for the development.
