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Diplomarbeit 2004 (DA04): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Sig 04/4 - Call Center - Boundaries and Advantages
Studierende: Andreas Peter, peterand
  Erdal Ural, uralerd

Betreuer: Rainer Sigg, xsig
  Ulrich Raess, ruch

Nowadays a company?s long term competitiveness isn?t secured just by its product line. Equally important if not more significant are the services and auxiliary services offered by the company. Especially in the field of electrical interconnection and automation engineering, a field between sensors and control systems have offered services become a major factor, due to the similarities of products from the competing manufacturers. Offered services contribute to the differentiation and delimitation of a company compared to its business rivals and therefore provides a decisive competitive edge. One way of leaving the competitors behind is with the use of a call center.

Thinking of call center many people still tend to picture it as an office packed with women either answering incoming phone calls in a hectic and stressed manner or trying to sell something over the phone. This unfortunate reputation doesn?t even come close to the potential that modern call centers offer. Call center have gone through a lot of changes over the past years and in the present form are providing a large scale of interfaces between the customer and the company. Within its role, a call center is responsible for all kinds of communication, orally as well as written. A call center has to make sure, that a full scale customer service is guaranteed and at the same the business processes are supported.

The goal of this diploma thesis is to provide our partner company the basis of a decision for the implementation of a call center. For which we first analysed the present situation at then worked out three possibilities of how a call center could be realised. Besides the practical concepts for the company, this document also provides theoretical basics on call center.
