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Diplomarbeit 2004 (DA04): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Rur 04/8 - Digital narrow band software radioreceiver - as measuring instrument
Studierende: Christoph Marki, maerkchr
  Philippe Schumacher, schumphi

Betreuer: Marcel Rupf, rumc
  Rainer Sigg, xsig

Our degree dissertation contains the build up of an universal Transmit ? Receive ? System (TRx) which allows to generate harmonical signals in excess of a wide frequency response. First the signal has to be digitised on the receiver side and afterwards to be demodulated. It also has to be realised a freqeunzy-hopping with the transmitter and receicer. The interpretation results from a digital signal processor (DSP).

There are different ways to generate a harmonical signal. One new technology is called direct digital synthesis (DDS) which allows to generate a harmonical signal and is able to generate modulated signals in addition. The complement is the digital down converter (DDC). This component allows to change a high sample analog signal down into a lower sample rate. In this dissertation we are using both of these new technologies and so we are able to build a transmit and receive channel.
