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Diplomarbeit 2004 (DA04): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Hut 04/1 - Generic Simulation Game
Studierende: Elisabeth Schmid, schmieli
  Tutti Stutzer, stutztut

Betreuer: Hans-Peter Hutter, huhp
  Karl Rege, rege

THE GOAL for this undergraduate dissertation was to conceptually design and later develop a generic framework (based on the existing New Commons Game/NCG) with which the creation of different simulation games is possible. The gaming-specific logic is stored in suitable text files separate from the program code. A SIMULATION GAME is used to abstractly yet realistically map complex processes and target conflicts of our society. Through NCG players will experience that individual reasonable decisions (with the goal of short term profit optimization) can easily amount to a large scale disaster, known as "Tragedy of the Commons". THE ANALYSIS started with an investigation of multiple simulation games. This led us to the conclusion that the development of such a framework had to be limited to the game-type "Tragedy of the Commons". The common factors of this sort of games served as the basis of the targeted framework. The next step then was to re-structure the given set of Java-classes that the game logic would now be contained in a single class which receives all specific values and parameters from a related XML-file. THE RESULT is a framework written in Java including a set of assigned XML-files. Via two superclasses the specific algorithms of the server and the display of points and resource of the client can easily be programmed. TO TEST the framework against the defined requirements another simulation game was set up. Upon booting the generic simulation game the user is prompted with the option to choose what game they want to play. THE AIM to create a simulation game framework that can easily be deployed to similar games (with the help of external text files that contain the necessary gaming specifications) can be considered achieved; given that the type of the simulation game is Tragedy of the Commons. A new simulation game can easily be generated by programming two dedicated Java-subclasses and the corresponding XML-file that receives the necessary values.
