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Diplomarbeit 2004 (DA04): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Bsh 04/4 - Self assessment for CMMI
Studierende: Lars Hottinger, hottilar
  Daniel Isenegger, isenedan

Betreuer: Alexander Bosshard, bsha

Business processes are supported by information technologies more and more. The quality of an IT environment depends on the way of implementing IT processes. The goal of this study is creating a list of questions. Using these questions small-l and medium-sized businesses should be able to evaluate implemented ITIL processes with the capability maturity model integration. The information technology infrastructure library (ITIL) advises how to implement IT processes. This advises are based on experiences. The ten most important ITIL processes are described in the books of IT-Service-Support and IT-Service-Delivery. The capability maturity model integration (CMMI) is an American standard and was first intended for software development. The model consists of five levels with increasing maturity. Every level gives information about the quality of implemented processes. To reach a certain, level some criteria have to be fulfilled. By following the criteria to reach a certain CMMI level, the most important activities of the ITIL processes could be mapped in the maturity model. With the help of this map, questions could easy be developed. The result of this study is a list of questions, which consists of nearly 200 questions. Because of the lists simple design, all the questions can be easily answered and analysed.
