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Diplomarbeit 2004 (DA04): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Mpi 04/3 - Server security for Document Management System
Studierende: Christian Holderegger, holdechr_
  Michael Rey, reymic

Betreuer: Eduard Mumprecht, mpre

About half of all documents in the business world are currently stored in digital form, and in the future this share will continue to grow. A document management system (DMS) facilitates a simple and efficient management of stored documents. The security of the data plays a central role in such systems,however, the notorious security vulnerability of the Windows platform does undermine the trust in the security of the whole system. This paper demonstrates that the DocuWare product can be operated at a fairly acceptable security level provided that the Windows platform has been carefully configured. Firstly, the term security is explained in order to classify the different aspects of security and to see how they interact.The security of the entire system is analyzed according to the corresponding definition. Then the important security settings fields and their configuration possibilities which contribute to the entire system are mentioned.This results in a check list along which a system administrator can set up and operate both platform and application, with optimal security configurations. Additionally a guide has been written for less experienced IT users.The manual illustrates in brief that competent and explicit configuration of the various system components can create a system environment which satisfies current security demands.
