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Diplomarbeit 2004 (DA04): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Hrt 04/1 - A CMS-platform for SoHo's creates static web-pages
Studierende: Reto Furst, fuersret
  Jakob Furrer, furrejak

Betreuer: Hanspeter Hochreutener, hhrt

The company Great Vision AG is specialised in optimising web pages, so that these are prominently indexed by search engines. It desires to offer its customers a web-based platform, providing a user-friendly tool to create websites which consider the preferences of the search engines. SmallCMS stores the information of the website in a database and can generate from it static web pages at the push of a button. Thus SmallCMS comes to meet the search en-gines, which favour static web pages with W3C-compliant source code.

PHP was requested as programming language. However, the new object-oriented functions were neglected on purpose to grant operability with older systems. So the code is PHP-version 4.2.3 without object oriented extensions and can therefore be used in a broad range of LAMP server systems. A setup-script simplifies the installation process on the target system.

In the development of SmallCMS, special attention was paid to scalability. Due to the defined interfaces it is possible to add further modules, which enhance the abilities of the platform. These modules can be installed and replaced in the running system.

The software here provided was developed in the context of a diploma thesis at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences on behalf of the company Great Vision AG. It is called SmallCMS, because a small CMS helps realizing the great vision of the enterprise.
