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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Rea 03/6 - go-next: modular framework for service-oriented portal solutions based on dot.net technologies
Studierende: Philipp Sumi, sumiphi
  Martin Thoma, thomamar

Betreuer: Karl Rege, rege

go-next is a web portal that provides a platform for companies of different sectors to present themselves in the internet. Companies can use go-next to publish information about their business through interactive, branch-related services. The functionality of an online-presentation is restricted by so-called service levels that define and restrict the amount of available facilities.

The aim of this thesis was not to implement a broad range of available features but to design a robust, scalable and expandable architecture which can serve as a basis for a convenient integration of arbitrary services. This was achieved by developing concepts and techniques which allow a pretty straightforward approach to integrate loosely coupled services into the architecture through well defined interfaces.

Moreover, frameworks for automated object persistence, a security layer that is based on roles and permissions and an facade for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) were developed and integrated. Those components have been implemented independently from go-next and can therefore easily be used for other purposes.

go-next has not been completed yet. Concrete features built on the software architecture still need to be specified and integrated. Furthermore, the design needs to be incorporated into the portal. Those tasks should be completed within reasonable time as the fundamental work has been done. As a consequence, the restaurant-related part of go-next should be ready for commercial use at the beginning of the next year.
