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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Zem 03/4 - Extension of a PHP/MySQL-webshop with a backofficetool
Studierende: Mathias Lenggenhager, lenggmat_X
  Marco Meyer, meyermar

Betreuer: Jan Zeman, zema

The goal of this projekt was to develop a backofficetool whitch was attachable to an already existing webshop. The tool ought to be able to manage incoming and outgoing goods as well as to deal with the shrinkage of goods.

What was created is a comprehensive module that interacts problemfree with the PhPeppershop called webshop. Stock and minimum stock of a good (and its variations) are stored and may be corrected if necessary. Non-sellers and short-offs are obviously shown. Incoming goods including data of their supporters can be registered as well as orderings, and bills can be created. The status of orderings and bills are always accessable. In cases of delayed payment, the user of the tool is notificated. Bills and also price lists can be created, printed and saved as PDF-documents. Balances can be created over a various amount of time and positions can be added to it. Those balances can be saved as PDF-documents as well.

The functions the backoffice contains are developed with the intension to be compatible to further versions of the PhPeppershop, so that they still can be used if the Shop will be developed.

This projekt was created under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE whitch allows further generations of developers to use and modify the original sourcecode of this tool. The complete terms of this license are shown in the appendix of this document.
