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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Zem 03/3 - PC-Videorecorder: Video-Capture and Preview for Windows
Studierende: Christoph Hunkeler, hunkech1
  Marc Widmer, widmemar

Betreuer: Jan Zeman, zema

Multimedia application becomes more importance. With the increasing hardware, and network capacity the recording of digital video on a PC is becomming more interesting for normal users.

The target of this diploma thesis is to program a video recorder. The solution that has been worked out, should be comprehensible and easy to understand, so that a student is able to use the results for a practical course.

We developed two different solutions to this Problem. The first one uses the slightly elder ?Video for Windows? interface, the other one the topical multimedia interface DirectX. Because we have used the programming language C++, arose, apart from the demanded program and the practical work, a introduction into Visual C++ .NET.

With video for windows (VfW) a simple video recorder be realised, which supports different formats of recording. The program however is not compatible with the topical TV-cards, so that for any future practical attempts a webcam has to be used to work with.

With the DirectX interface a solution for a VCR could have been compiling as well. The video recorder supports aside form its ability to save video- and audio signals a timeshiftfunction, which makes a delayed video reproduction possible. For the result with DirectX a practical exercise has been produced which should bring the mechanism of video recording closer to future students.

During the work several problem became viable. Many of them were based on our little experience in the programming language C++ and its surroundings. Besides, the most of the Microsoft examples were to our disposal neither running nor compilible.
