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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Mun 03/1 - Generic HTML based ISQL editor for testing of TORQUE generated Java classes with a DB administration tool
Studierende: Roland Siegert, siegerol

Betreuer: Ewald Mund, mund

A frequent task for a today's software engineer is the assembly of software components to an application. In doing so the engineer is confronted with the components interfaces and application program interfaces (APIs). Mastering the interfaces enables him to build a component based system. As the variety of tools meant for the same or a very similar task keeps growing it's becoming more and more difficult to chose the optimal component for one's system.

An Example of a Task that is performed by several tools in different ways is object mapping. Object mapping is used to map database tables and their rows to runtime objects of a computer system. The object mapping technique is a base for this diploma thesis. Torque is a tool that masters object mapping. Torque originates from the Apache Jakarta open source project. Nevertheless they are for free, some of the tools coming from this open source community establish themselves as accepted standard technology.

To test Torque an to set up a multicomponent system, Torque has been used in the practical part of this thesis as a persistence layer. The aim was to construct an ISQL editor.

The editor is applicable to any correct entity relationship data design. To have this independency it had to be programed generically.

Within four weeks a solution was worked out that has answers to all base problems discussed in this document and that implements a portion of the functionality.

Added value is introduced by the ISQL editor because it's easy to use with an HTML GUI, because it brings a conveniant lookup function for foreign keys and because no SQL has to be typed.
