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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Pro 03/1 - Configuration of a model train setup
Studierende: Daniel Bachofen, bachodan
  Alexander Sturm, sturmale

Betreuer: Dieter Profos, podr

The type of problem of this dissertation was to write an application that allows configuring a model railway. The application has a graphical user interface to show the configuration which is saved on an external database. The configuration can be sent to a LON-interface to configure the model railway. The application provides different editors to change the configuration. A device can be created by moving it from the master data to an editor. There it can be edited and linked with other devices. It also can be assigned to a place-structure and to an installation-structure. An editor, which allows configuring the LON-setup and sending it to the model railway, has been developed in a preceding dissertation. The objective of this dissertation was to write a second editor that allows creating and configuring a rail-configuration. This editor provides a graphical user interface to show the rail-configuration, which looks similar to the original model railway. In addition to this, a concept how to save the data in an extern database had to be developed. The difficulty was to find a good solution for a layer between database and graphical user interface. This software is part of a large project. At a later time, it also has to control the model railway in real-time. Because of that, we had to attach much importance to extensibility. The engineering had to go much further than the requirements of the specification.
