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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Sig 03/2 - Choosing a Business Location with the Help of a Market Analysis
Studierende: Colin Bollier, bollicol
  Ivo Geisenberger, geiseivo
  Reto Morger, morgeret

Betreuer: Rainer Sigg, xsig

In the late 1980s an independent marketing company was established for a German manufacturer of dust extraction units. After little more than a year in Wattwil, the company moved its headquarters to the community of Mosnang. Influenced by the rural image of Mosnang and its disadvantageous lack of infrastructure, the management is willing to move to a more attractive location.

In cooperation with the managing director of the company, an extensive analysis of the current situation in Mosnang and of all the needs and requirements of the company and its staff was undertaken. In order to achieve a better understanding of the company and its position in the Swiss market, a market analysis was included in the section containing the company portrait.

Based on the results of the detailed examination of the company?s current situation, the decisive location factors were defined, structured and weighted according to their relevance for the decision on the company location. This weighting offered a reference for the determination of four alternative locations that were to be the subjects of an elaborate comparison.

The detailed qualification for each of the locations that were taken into consideration allowed their final confrontation in a complex utility value analysis. Also part of this comparison was the present company location in Mosnang.

The results of the utility value analysis came not as a surprise to the casual observer. At a considerable disadvantage compared to the other locations the community of Mosnang ended up last. Winterthur, for all members of staff the alternative at the longest distance, scored the largest number of points. Yet the clarity of the result alone cannot suffice to reach a final decision regarding the choice of location. It can only support the management in setting their priorities straight and in estimating the actual benefits a change of location could bring.
