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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Sig 03/1 - What is IT's influence on the clinical workflow?
Studierende: Jann Schwendimann, schwejan
  Thomas Weber, webertho

Betreuer: Rainer Sigg, xsig

The increasing influence of IT is remarkable all over the world. In the healthcare community, several types of technical, highly-developed medical equipment have been in use of several years. The major drawback in this area is that data obtained is often collected in an inefficient manner. At the moment, administrative costs amount to 30 percent of health costs. The help of IT is needed to reduce these costs and to improve the clinical workflow. The main target is to create one well-integrated solution out of several isolated ones. This procedure will provide hospitals with an optimisation of the processes. This is the main reason why IT is becoming a core competence in every hospital. After carrying out a market analysis, an actual state is established, which shows the influence of the IT sector within Swiss hospitals.
