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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Rea 03/1 - Graphical Seat Reservation System based on SVG
Studierende: Markus Kramer, kramemar
  Manuela Sax, saxman

Betreuer: Karl Rege, rege

For each student, who is on his project thesis or diploma dissertation the Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur makes workstations available. The allocation of the students to one of the rooms is being organised by a central post. The organisation of the rooms is being assigned to a responsible person and is being individually realised. Due to the fact, that the accomplishment is not always made properly the idea was created to develop a tool. The process shall become consistently and every person at this school should get the information about the seat reservations.

The originated tool, which is based on Scalable Vector Graphics, represents all rooms and the interior equipment. The graphic shows the current allocation of each seat. Furthermore, information about the seat and its allocated person will be publicised. To fulfil the requirements, the application was implemented by using SVG, other XML-standards and further technologies.
