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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Hut 03/5 - Multimodal E-Mail-Client
Studierende: Michel Mueller, muellmic
  Beat Tscharner, tschabea

Betreuer: Hans-Peter Hutter, huhp

Concerning the thesis from the upper college in Winterthur, an appliance called e-mail client has been invented. It has a user interface for different appliances which include a small graphic display.

The multimodal interface assures a fast and easily accessible use. Furthermore, the recent demand of multimodal programmes has steadily been increasing.

The thesis is mainly based on a formerly implemented project from which the concept of the graphical user interface (GUI) with a straight forward voice control has been taken.

The prototype which has been invented during the research lines out varieties of multimodal userinterfaces.

Due to implementation of the intelligent succour-and feedback concept, the e-mail client is enabled to efficient navigation. In other words, the e-mail client?s voice support is capable of helping the user, if he (accidentally) gives it on incomplete order. Apart from that, visual and aural feedbacks lead to a secure utilization.

Moreover, synonyms are supported by the voice control which significantly increases the success of the speech command.

So as to select phone book entries or e-mail by voice, a dynamic generation of voice order has been designed.

To make sure that the utilization profits from a most reliable speech recognition, different speech commands with various pronunciation possibilities have been elaborated.

Despite different enlargements of speech recognition, it remains the e-mail client?s weakest part.

The success of its voice recognition can be traced back to the users? pronunciation.

To take everything into consideration the e-mail client with its small graphic display is fully entirely controllable by language, keyboard and of a pen. The user is enabled to utilize help functions like reading out demands, even if he doesn?t look the display.

Besides the ordinary e-mail function the e-mail client supports special features like sending an playing voice note or mail reading out massages.
