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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Bri 03/2 - Printer-Management at ZHW
Studierende: Jorge Sanmiguel Blanco, sanmijor
  Tankut Tuemay, tuermtan

Betreuer: Pietro Brossi, brpi

University of Applied Sciences Winterthur points year for year at a financial loss at cost of printing systems. As of now there is no control over the print service usage of students and ZHW employees. The aim of this diploma thesis was to introduce a printer management concept for ZHW. This thesis should not only charge the University, but also the students for the printing costs and bring a satisfied balance to the distribution of costs.

First of all the current printing infrastructure inventory had to be created. All printers, copiers and plotters had been listed, consumption of paper and toner had been ascertained and cost of maintenance had been estimated. A start position was declared, but still many important components had to be discovered for an upcoming concept.

The following components are of great importance for a solution proposal, which would give a positive value in printing scope.

  • Management software deployment
  • Network structure
  • Support Service
  • Cost management solutions
  • Printers and copiers at ZHW
  • Consumption of paper and toner
  • Cumulative total cost

There determinations and several soft- and hardware evaluations in the test environment represented a basis for three developed solution proposals. Those proposals increase the quality of the actual infrastructure and add benefits to the cost of printing systems at the same time. Despite everything there are still some open points present, which must be clarified before initiating a printer management system.

This thesis should not create the impression, that our solution proposals could be considered as final concepts. This document introduces printer management for ZHW but is not suitable for an upcoming implementation.
