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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Ltt 03/1 - electronic transformer
Studierende: Enes Abdulai, abdulene
  Cemal Yilmaz, yilmacem

Betreuer: Jakob Lattmann, latj

The aim of the work of this diploma dissertation is to realize the electronic transformer which we have started in our project II as a prototype. It should transform the tension voltage of AC 230 V to DC 110 V and possess a nominal power of around 1000 W. Most important we realized our project II which means the transformation of 230 V input signal alternating voltage to 110 V direct voltage. Therefore, we had to newly dimension the driver unit, the PWM-signal and the voltage regulation. After initiation of this part circuit we could tell that the dimension of the HF-transformer voltage and currents were too low by the factor . This fact being the reason that we were not able to reach the output power and voltage needed. By changing the HF-transformer we realized 155 V direct voltage with some minor declinations from our calculated results. Furthermore, we modulated the 155 V direct voltage to 120 V alternating voltage with the help of a power inverter and a L-C-filter. The power inverter is made of a full bridge and runs with 2 drivers which are directed by the PWR-signal. The output signal voltage of the power inverter is being filtered by a L-C-filter that way that only the fundamental oscillation gets through. By that the desired output signal sinus alternating voltage of about 120 V with a frequency of 50 Hz is reached as is the goal of this work. As a completion measurings at nominal load were done. What is being described here as rather simple needs a lot of experience in reality. Because we did not have that experience so far we needed to recalculate und optimize the dimensionings a couple of times. This way we were both able to learn a lot which is going to help us the most in future times.
