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Diplomarbeit 2003 (DA03): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Hak 03/1 - Feasibility study of counter remote reading at Fernwarme Zurich
Studierende: Christoph Krauer, krauechr
  Marco Zbinden, zbindmar

Betreuer: Kurt Hauser, husr

The duty of every modern company remains in optimising operations. The Fernwarme Zurich, where 100 year old methods are still practiced and meter readings hand written into a large book, could be tailored to meet modern times, by introducing remote reading of meters.

The enclosed feasibility study analyses the state of the transfer mode system for data readings and draws to possible technologies for the realisation of the remote reading of thermal data. The study indicates feasible solutions for the Fernwarme Zurich and gives advice on matters which need to be taken into consideration upon realisation.

The use of remote reading of meters results in substantial additional benefits for district heating. By periodically recording all data in short intervals, a detailed demand profile of every consumer can be established, which could be used to reduced consumer consumption surges and optimised the district heating grid. Additionally, a modern performance orientated invoicing procedure could be introduced. The simplification of readily available data could almost be described as a quantum leap. Not only would all entry and reading errors be eliminated, but also the costs of putting data into an invoicing system would be completely erased. The data would also be readily available at any given time. The complicated access to hand-over points would no longer be necessary for individual readings, but only in the case of failure or loss. Defects could be spotted within a day and immediately repaired. Problems would be more easily identified and errors avoided. This would not only optimise the processes for district heating, but also increase customer satisfaction.

A direct cut in costs by introducing a remote meter reading is not to be expected. However, the additional benefits and the potential for further optimisation speak clearly for the remote reading of all meters.
