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Diplomarbeit 2002 (DA02): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Wil 02/3 - Research on instable feedback control system
Studierende: Reto Stauber, staubret
  Pascal Witprachtiger, witprpas

Betreuer: Jurg Wild, wiju

Our task was the research and controlling of an unstable controlled system. As hardware model we used a so called ?linear flexible joint? (LFJ), a seesaw and additionally an inverted pendulum from Quanser Consulting. We were confronted with three different problems to solve. The first was the two-mass oscillator (stable system) on its own, afterwards the two-mass oscillator placed on the unstable seesaw, which should stabilise the system. The last task was the stabilisation of the inverted pendulum with the two-mass oscillator. In order that a controller can be dimensioned, a mathematical model must be applied to the controlled system. This needs verifying the system followed by an adaptation to the real model. An additional difficulty is the fact that the unstable system can only be compared with the mathematical model after the stabilisation. We operated the controlled system LFJ with classic automatic controllers and different condition automatic controllers. The conclusion of the automatic controllers with integrated-portion was the best. The unstable controlled system LFJ and Seesaw (SeeFlex) were regulated additionally with an observer. This controlling did not function completely perfect. That is why the automatic controller with integrated -portion fitted the system best. For the controlled system and pendulum (SeePen) we selected the controlling with integrated -portion and obtained a good result. We did not work with a sampling controller, because the scanning rate is high enough so that we can work in the ?quasi stationary? range.

Despite the various problems we had to solve, we were able to find a satisfying solution for each system.
