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Diplomarbeit 2002 (DA02): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Bhi 02/1 - Setting up a scanning-tunneling-microscope
Studierende: Hansueli Meyer, meyerhan
  Philippe Strasser, strasphi

Betreuer: Roland Büchi, bhir

In this work a fully functional scanning-tunneling-microscope (STM) was developed. The principal purpose was to examine a surface which exhibits nanometer dimensions. All components which are necessarily around a scanning-tunneling-microscop had to be dimensioned and built.

In the preceded work on the project the foundation-stone for the scanning-tunneling-microscope was put. The mechanical structure and a part of electronics could be already prepared in the work on the project. An anti-vibration system around the scanning-tunneling-microscope was developed. The system was mathematically described and tested by simulations for the effectiveness. The whole electronics had to be developed and tested. So e.g. the tunneling current preamplifier which amplifies the small tunneling current (1-50nA), voltage stabilisation circuits, low-pass circuits for the control of the piezodrives, limiting circuits as well as various adding and subtracting circuits were made. The plant had to be described and an automatic controller which keeps the tunneling current constant was made. The automatic controller was analog realized. Suitable samples were evaluated and a simple sample holder was developed. The arrangement of the scanning process by the piezodrives was realized. A complete processor based system was programmed. The controlling of the system takes over and made the evaluation possible of the collected data. The program is able to evaluate the data and scan the surface and show it in three-dimensional representation graphics. The system was tested. A defined sample was examined. The own admission was compared with a reference admission. The comparison supplied thereby many promising results. The scanned range is about 400x400nm.
