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Diplomarbeit 2002 (DA02): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Fei 02/1 - Framework Report Generator
Studierende: Roland Bruhwiler, bruehrol
  Christoph Schmid, schmichr

Betreuer: Patrick Feisthammel, fame

A framework was provided; that permits to print out arbitrary series data over OpenOffice with defined document templates. The whole work was produced with the employment of "eXtreme Programming". This agile software development process was therefore also a subtask which we examined closer to the usefulness in a dissertation.

Most important results

As a result we developed a software, which offers an extensive functionality and which profits from a simple starting and update mechanism. Core of the solution is the framework with different services implemented, which makes a user and a module-administration possible. Furthermore available is a service for the control of OpenOffice and for the storage of the document datas. The framework was designed to offer a multi-user ability and to allow the simple integration of new created modules. In addition a GUI was provided, which enables to administrate the properties of the system comfortably. Taking an account-generation module for example we implented a module, which is based on the framework and can handle different kind of articles with time related information. There is implemented a shipping cost and a value added tax support, too.

The start and update mechanism is provided by the Java WebStart application. This solution enables Java applications, which are centrally-stored on a server, to load, to start and open ways to reinstall possible updates over web pages. That's the reason why a complicated decentralized installation of the client software falls away. Conditions of the work By delivery of the work we confirmed the ablility to fulfill all tasks. The framework is applicable in practice and more modules can be integrated anytime. As there is no perfect software, it's our request, that the development of the framework will be continued in the future. We apply the open source license GPL to our software. This possibility allows other developers to extend the framework.
