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Diplomarbeit 2005 (DA05): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Khn 05/3 - RFID - threats and opportunities in the environment of laboratory logistics
Studierende: Marco Cadetg, cadetmar
  Stefan Weidmann, weidmste

Betreuer: Heinrich Kuhn, kuhn
  Hans Weibel, wlan

RFID (Radio-Frequency-Identification) Systems appears on the horizon of lab-automation. The following dissertation will give an overview about the possible use of RFID technology in medical lab-environment. The use of RFID systems will be evaluated by means of technical aspects and also by business processes.

After the definition of the RFID system requirements the technology will be analysed to detect aspects which are cons and pros to RFID. An extensive market analysis aligned by the lab environment will give an overview about the available systems and manufactures. The market of RFID exists and it is as big as complex. It will take some time until there will appear defined market structures with manufacturers spanning standards.

The components of a RFID system will be analysed and assembled together to defined business cases. Further there will be a rated threats-opportunities analysis. Finally the use of the business cases in the lab-environment will be rated.

Despite the hype concerning RFID made by media, this technology will need some time to prevail in medical lab-environment. We recognised that the improvements in the processes in the medical lab-environment can?t be as well accomplished as the technology suppliers promise. Rudiments exist, but the concrete implementation of the systems in a lab-environment has to be developed first. The existing barcode is well established but this makes it difficult for RFID to gain additional use of it.
