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Diplomarbeit 2002 (DA02): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Rae 02/1 - Quality Management in Practice
Studierende: Tobias Holzer, holzetob
  Adrian Lerch, lerchadr

Betreuer: Ulrich Raess, ruch

Customer-oriented, process-oriented and continual improvements are the most important demands of the new ISO 9001:2000 Norm. In comparison to the earlier Norm (1994), the new Norm is much closer to practice and can be applied by companies in all branches.

The business entity „Betriebstechnik“ of „Optimo Service AG“ in Winterthur had set for itself the certification of the new ISO Norm as a goal. The business entity is active as a service provider in the tool machinery, crane systems and heat treatment units (ovens) sectors. A sub-entity of „Betriebstechnik” had already been certified under the old Norm. The existing QM-Handbook was not process-oriented, but rather corresponded to the previous, old Norm chapters. Our assignment was to draw up a concept for the QM-Handbook, which would fulfill the demands of the ISO 9001:2000 Norm, and be implemented in the „Betriebstechnik” entity.

The constructed process-oriented QM-System is subdivided into three levels. The first level corresponds to the QM-Handbook, which shows the organizational structure of the firm, the QM-Systems structure and the process architecture. All process descriptions belong to the second level, which are classified in the following process groups; Leadership, Business, Support and Measuring & Improvement. Overall, 21 processes were defined. The third level includes further document groups, which are used in daily business. The entire QM-System is linked throughout and is accessible over a beginning point in the user-friendly company intranet. The in intranet depicted process architecture or document structure overview can be used for navigation.

Decisive to the QM-System construction is the applicability of the quality establishing documented procedures in the practice. The Norm allows much freedom exactly for this reason. Then only what is capable to be put in to practice, will also truly be applied to daily operations.
