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Diplomarbeit 2004 (DA04): Arbeits-Archiv
DA And 04/2 - Development of an E-Learning product for project management
Studierende: Sonja Itten, ittenson
  Thomas Kempf, kempftho

Betreuer: Luzi Anderegg, anee

This report was written as a part of a thesis at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences Winterthur. The project contained the porting of the existing e-learning software PMP by ABB Schweiz AG to a web-based portal. PMP is an abbreviation for ?Project Management Program?. It is an application, which teaches prospective project managers about situations of their future working life.

The goal was to replace the aging software with a new one. For this purpose we produced a prototype model to illustrate the functionality of a possible new solution. In addition we?ve written a business case to show the economic factors of such a project. These results will be discussed with the responsible persons from ABB.

The prototype model of the so called WebPMP is completely executable and illustrates all of the functionality which is important for training participants. The extending functions for the administration of the course are not implemented due of the lack of time. A totally new graphical interface and a few new functions are responsible for a better usability and lead to a higher motivation for the training participant to attend this course.

The whole process of development was accomplished using the ?Unified Process? to minimize risks at an early stage. First we had to analyse the existing software, in order to build a concept afterwards. This was kind of difficult, as we had to familiarise ourselves with the development environment Macromedia Director MX. Thereafter we implemented the prototype in three iterations before we fully tested and documented it.

When we wrote the business case, we found out, that it wasn?t easy to get the data material for such a project, even for the customer himself. We produced a questionnaire to find out about the figures, but ABB couldn?t answer all of the questions. However, we are able to illustarte the advantages of such a new development.
