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Diplomarbeit 2004 (DA04): Arbeits-Archiv
DA Bkt 04/2 - Usage of a CMS as a Web Solution for Clubs and Associations
Studierende: Thomas Knecht, knechtho
  Christian von Ow, vowchr

Betreuer: Gerrit Burkert, bkrt

For most societies and associations, a website that consists only of static content does not suffice. Therefore, the goal of this dissertation was to develop a solution for societies and associations which would serve as foundation for creating a website. This solution covers most functionalities needed by societies and associations. It is applicable for a broad spectrum of clubs, societies, and associations ranging from elite sports clubs to informal youth associations.

For the administration of the website and its content, a Content Management System should be used to simplify the administration. After a thorough analysis, we chose Mambo because it best met our requirements and because it is an open source project.

The Cevi Herblingen website served as the initial position as well as the example installation. Even though the Cevi Herblingen website used a Content Management System, it had an independent Groupware Tool. This proved to be too complicated. Therefore, one of the main goals of the assignment was to join these two systems, integrating the protected Groupware on the public website. To show the result, we then implemented this on the Cevi Herblingen website.

This assignment was made up of five parts: Collecting requirements for the website and the CMS, choice of the CMS, system documentation of the CMS, development of templates and components for the CMS, and creating instructions of how the CMS can be used.

The result of this undergraduate dissertation is a complete solution that covers all the requirements. In order to realize this goal, we developed and edited some extensions for the chosen Content Management System Mambo. We thereby developed a component that manages an address list. We also edited a calendar so it would fit the needs of associations and societies. Furthermore, we enhanced the use of the CMS by creating 5 Templates which can be easily adapted to the individual needs of clubs and societies.
